The probability value of counted t from the independent variable of water temperature is 0.326, pH is
0.185, salinity is 0.632, and NO3 is 0.09 (greater than Sig. 0.05) indicating that the independent variables of
water temperature, pH, salinity and NO3 are not significant effect on the dependent variable tin (Sn). The
probability value of t count variable dissolved oxygen (DO) is 0.017, NH4 is 0.08, PO4 is 0.009, and alkalinity is
0.01 (p< 0.05), indicating that the independent variable DO, NH4, PO4, and alkalinity have a significant effect on
the dependent variable tin (Sn).
Based on the above values, the interpretation of the models of alkalinity, NH4, PO4, DO, pH, NO3, Water
Temperature, and Salinity for tin heavy metal (Sn) are as follows:
Tin (Sn) = 7,143 – 1,147 DO + 0,264 Water Temperature + 0,527 pH – 0,56 Salinity + 4,329 NH4– 1,352 NO3 +
0,904 PO4 – 0,063 alkalinity
Water temperature regression coefficient is positive, meaning that when the water temperature rises, the
value of tin (Sn) will also increase. If the value of the water temperature drops, the value of Sn will decrease. If
the value of the water temperature rises by 1 C, it will increase the value of tin (Sn) by 0.264 mg/l and
conversely a decrease in water temperature of 1 oC will reduce the value of Sn by 0.264 mg/l.
The pH regression coefficient is positive, meaning that when the pH value rises, the value of tin (Sn) will
also increase. If the pH value drops, the value of tin (Sn) will decrease. If the pH value increases by 1, it will
increase the value of Sn by 0.527 mg/l and conversely a decrease in pH of 1 will decrease the value of Sn by 0.527
NH4 regression coefficient is positive, meaning that when the value of NH4 rises, the value of tin (Sn) will
also increase. If the value of NH4 drops, the value of tin (Sn) will decrease. If the value of NH4 rises by 1 mg/l, it
will increase the value of Sn by 4.329 mg/l and conversely the decrease in NH4 by 1 mg/l will reduce the value of
tin (Sn) by 4.329 mg/l.
PO4 regression coefficients are positive, meaning that when the PO4 value rises, the value of tin (Sn) will
also increase. If the PO4 value drops, the value of Sn will decrease. If the value of PO4 rises by 1 mg/l, it will
increase the value of Sn by 0.904 mg/l and conversely a decrease in PO4 of 1 mg/l will decrease the value of Sn by
0.904 mg/l.
The regression coefficient of dissolved oxygen (DO) is negative, meaning that when the dissolved oxygen
value rises, the value of Sn will decrease, whereas when the DO value drops, the value of Sn will increase. If the
value of DO increases by 1 mg/l it will reduce the value of Sn by 1.147 mg/l and conversely a decrease in DO of 1
mg/l will increase the tin value by 1,147 mg/l.
The salinity regression coefficient is negative, meaning that when the salinity value rises, the value of tin
(Sn) will decrease, whereas when the salinity value drops, the value of tin (Sn) will increase. If the salinity value
increases by 1 ppt it will reduce the value of Sn by 0.056 mg/l and conversely a decrease in the salinity value of 1
ppt will increase the value of Sn by 0.056 mg/l.
NO3 regression coefficient is negative, meaning that when the NO3 value rises, the value of Sn will
decrease, whereas when the NO3 value drops, the value of Sn will increase. If the NO3 value increases by 1 mg/l it
will reduce the value of Sn by 1.352 mg/l and conversely a decrease in NO3 value of 1 mg/l will increase the value
of Sn by 1.352 mg/l.
The regression coefficient of alkalinity is negative, meaning that when the alkalinity value rises, the value
of Sn will decrease, whereas when the value of alkalinity decreases, the value of Sn will increase. If the alkalinity
value increases by 1 mg/l it will reduce the value of Sn by 0.063 mg/l and vice versa the decrease in the value of
alkalinity by 1 mg/l will increase the value of Sn by 0.063 mg/l.
The high pH and low dissolved oxygen content in this sampling site can contribute towards this situation.
Hot Spring waters of Lake Bogoria (BG1), Lake Elementaita (EL1) contained lower concentrations of heavy
metals. High pH and temperature and very low oxygen can encourage solubilization processes and subsequent
The concentrations of Cu, Hg, Pb and Sn obtained in the coastal waters of Banyuwangi Regency were Cu
0.0104 mg/l, Hg 0 mg/l, Pb 0.0173 mg/l and Sn 1.3436 mg/l. If referring to the Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan
Hidup (Decree of the Minister of Environment) No. 51 of 2004 concerning Sea Water Quality Standards,
Mercury (Hg) 0.001 mg/l, Copper (Cu) and Lead (Pb) 0.008 mg/l, and Tin (Sn) 2 mg/l, then the value of heavy
metals Hg and Sn is still below the threshold while Cu and Pb are above the threshold. Whereas based on the
results of regression analysis, of the four types of heavy metals Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Lead
(Pb) on the coast of Banyuwangi Regency, indicating water quality that there is no effect on Lead specific
gravity metals (Pb) and Mercury (Hg). Whereas two other types of heavy metals Cu and Sn had influence.
Based on the results of the study, Banyuwangi district government needs to take serious actions in
controlling heavy metal pollution through the implementation of law No. 23 of 1997 concerning to
environmental management, and the application of environmental quality standards more strictly.
Setyaningrum, WE, Dewi KTA, Yuniartik M, Masithah DE. 2019. Analysis of heavy metal content of Cu, Pb, Hg and dissolved Sn in coastal of